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Restoring Irish Nightscapes

  • Co. Maigh Eo

With thanks to Heritage Council Funding in 2023, via the Heritage Organisation Support Fund, Dark Sky Ireland collaborated with BigO Productions to create informative visual content.

This piece brings prominent voices from across Ireland, from various backgrounds and interest areas with one common theme, to protect and restore dark skies from light pollution and will be used as a resource on www.darksky.ie and added to our education programme delivery.

We would like to thank Heritage Week 2024 for giving us the platform to officially launch this visually stunning video and showcase the reasons behind the vision of Dark Sky Ireland in ensuring that Ireland's night skyscapes are celebrated, restored and protected for present and future generations of all living things.

Our "Restoring Irish Nightscapes" video will be showcased at our Heritage Week Online Workshop - Communities for Dark Skies - on Tuesday, August 20th 2024, and you can register for this free event at:

Tuilleadh Eolais

Dark Sky Ireland

Foghlaim níos mó faoin eagraitheoir

Restoring Irish Nightscapes

Léigh Tuilleadh