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Lady Rosse Hay Bales

"The Midlands to Mayo" Art Exhibition

19 - 25 Lúnasa, 9rn - 5:30in

  • Copper Tree Gallery, Birr Castle Demesne
  • Townparks, Birr, Co. Offaly
  • R42V027
  • Co. Uíbh Fhailí

“The Midlands to Mayo”: An Art Exhibition
19 August – 13 October
Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of nature through the captivating artwork of Alison Rosse, Jacinta Guinan, and Mark Rodes.


Alison Rosse: Transports viewers to serene, untouched landscapes with beauty all around.
Jacinta Guinan: interpretations of these lands shows a freshness and sensitivity to the subject, which reveals the mystery and energy behind these ancient hills and lakes
Mark Rode: a master sculptor renowned for his expertise in crafting exquisite bronze sculptures, captures the essence of emotion and movement in his artistry.
Admission is free into this art exhibition.

Tuilleadh Eolais

Birr Castle Demesne

Foghlaim níos mó faoin eagraitheoir

Léigh Tuilleadh