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Creating Your Own Events Trail

My Events Trail

Discover how to create your own unique schedule of events for National Heritage Week

Your Own Unique Schedule

Did you know that you can create your own unique schedule of events that you would like to attend for National Heritage Week. With almost 2,000 events taking place, it can be difficult to decide what events you would like to attend. There is also the challenge of planning for events that are taking place at the same time.

With the events trail feature, you can easily and quickly create your own unique schedule of events.

Easy to Use

The events Trail is so easy to use. Search for events in the county or type of event that you want to attend. Once you find the event just add it to your events trail by "hearting" it (clicking on the heart button).

Once you are happy with your schedule, you can easily save or export your final list to save and bring with you during National Heritage Week.

Watch the video below for an easy guide on how to use the Events Trail.

Find all events for National Heritage Week here.