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Training Days for Organisers

The 2024 Networking and Training Days are here. Find out how you can sign up for three exciting events.

We invite you to join us for the 2024 National Heritage Week Training events taking place in Dublin, Sligo and Limerick throughout May. This is your opportunity to learn from experts in heritage, get inspired with ideas and network with fellow organisers. With three locations across the country, this free to attend event will inspire you for great ideas for an event for National Heritage Week 2024 which takes place from 17th-25th August.

Training Content

Explore event options under this year’s theme of "Connections, Routes and Networks". Share ideas and get inspired!

Advance your knowledge and skills in creating and hosting events for National Heritage Week through practical interactive sessions designed to provide you with all the skills necessary to operate a successful national heritage week event.

The events will feature some top tips on:

  • How to create a more accessible and inclusive event.
  • How to make your event more sustainable.
  • How to communicate your event through social media
  • How to reach new audiences
  • How to create an engaging events entry on the national heritage week events portal.
  • This event will give you the opportunity to connect and network with other event organisers and Heritage Council staff members and perhaps open avenues for collaboration!

16th May Limerick