Technical resources
These technical resources will provide you with information on showcasing your project and sharing it with us online.
Guidelines for creating embed codes
The below resources will guide you through sharing your digital heritage project with us online using an embed code. An embed code is a link that is generated by a third-party website such as YouTube or Google Drive, that a user can copy and paste into his or her own webpage. This embedded code will enable your media (e.g. Google Slides, video file, or audio file) to integrate as a usable on the current page, rather than as a link that brings you to a new page.
Embed codes are required for the following types of National Heritage Week projects.
Sharing your project as a PDF
Sharing your project as a PowerPoint
National Heritage Week PowerPoint template
Share your heritage project as a presentation. We have created this PowerPoint template for you to use. Add your own text and images to share your heritage project with your community or at online seminars.
Sharing your project as a video
Sharing your project as an audio file / podcast
Guidelines for checking image size and resizing images
How to create a podcast
This Heritage in Schools resource will show how to record a podcast from home.
Shooting Video on your phone
Editing video on a smartphone
Now that you have recorded your video, use these guides from the Design and Crafts Council to assist you in editing your footage.
National Heritage Week GDPR policy
For National Heritage Week logos and templates for newsletter, press releases and more view our branded resources section.