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Branded Resources

These resources are available for you to use as you share your heritage event or project with the world. On this page you'll find logos for download and templates for posters, videos, social media and more.

Video slides

You can use these slides before and after videos you produce to create branded continuity. Simply download the slides and insert them into your video editing software before and after your video file.

Newsletter template

Share your heritage project as a newsletter with this newsletter template. You can use the template in Word, adding your own text and images to share your heritage project with your community.

PowerPoint presentation template

Share your heritage project as a presentation. We have created this PowerPoint template for you to use. Add your own text and images to share your heritage project with your community or at online seminars.

Press release template

Here is a template press release to help you share your heritage project with local media and your community. Simply insert your project details into the template and sent it to your local newspapers or radio stations. Include a link to any photographs or images that accompany your project.