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Dad and well shorter

Well Well Well

23 August, 2:45pm - 5:30pm

  • Cornmarket.the Diamond.
  • Main street,Lisnaskea.
  • bt92 0jb
  • Co. Fermanagh

This guided tour will look at the history of the 3 wells in the Lisnaskea area and how through millennia they have served the community. We will look at the importance of water down through the ages, from modern times into the medieval period and then reaching back to the Pre Christian era.
The first well is situated just of the Main Street, Lisnaskea and not only served the local community until recently but also the Blacksmiths' forge owned by Harry Maguire.

The second well we are visiting is along an old medieval walkway leading from Castlebalfour Demense to Aghalurcher Church & Graveyard, known as St. Ronans Well, the Patron Saint of Aghalurcher Church. This well in Farnasculloge has a stone cross inserted into its surrounds. At this well we will discuss the role of religion and folklore associated with ancient wells. Standing over the well is a lone Hawthorn tree which has been used as a Clootie tree in relation to the curing properties associated with both entities.

The third well is situated outside Lisnaskea in Stranafeeley , known as the Eye Well, a reference for cures. However, just recently I have discovered burnt mounds behind the well which brings us back further in time where fresh water served as a process of steam and heat using fired hot stones. The importance of water in this context should not be lost on our modern society of times long gone.

Please wear proper footwear as 2 of the wells are on farmland. Transport is not provided but we hope to car share as parking is limited. Booking is through my mobile 07707026880 and is limited to 20 people.

Further Information

Lisnaskea Historical Society

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