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Gown Snip

Unstitching the 17th Century Shinrone Gown

23 August, 7:30pm - 9:30pm

  • Shinrone Community Centre
  • Shinrone, Birr, Offaly.
  • R42 Y620
  • Co. Offaly

It is the Spring of 1843 and workmen outside Shinrone Village happen upon a dark woollen dress buried in peat. By May of that year, the Gown's importance was recognised and it subsequently changed hands among several collectors. Today, the dress is recognised as an early 17th C example and a unique survivor.

Some four hundred years later, 'Unstitching the 17th Century Shinrone Gown' is a celebration of this unique part of our social and material culture here in South Offaly. SHG has commissioned a historically correct replica of the Shinrone Gown based on a technical examination of the original in the National Museum of Ireland.

Working with artist Rosalind Fanning, seamstress Bernie Stapleton, and Irish medieval costume historian Kass McGann; the finished Gown will be placed in the village's school museum.

Join us as Kass, Rosalind and Bernie explore the story of the Shinrone Gown, its historical context, and the journey of creating this replica. And to add to the evening; Janet White-Spunner and friends will be demonstrating traditional spinning and weaving, and are keen for the public to have a go themselves.

All very welcome and light refreshments afterward.

This project has been made possible with the amazing support of Offaly County Council's Heritage Office & Creative Ireland Funding.

Further Information

Shinrone Heritage Group

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