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Lough Hyne Coverssml

'Lough Hyne from Prehistory' guided walk

17 August, 2pm - 4:30pm

  • Base of Knockomagh Hill at Lough Hyne
  • Lough Hyne
  • Co. Cork County

A guided walk through 4,000 years of the archaeology, history and folklore of Lough Hyne by local historian Terri Kearney.
The walk starts at the base of Knockomagh Hill at 1400 and covers a distance of 5km (with hills), finishing at around 1630. The talk is free of charge but places are limited so booking is essential. Please refer to the Skibbereen Heritage Centre Facebook page for updates and further information www.facebook.com/skibbheritagecentre

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Skibbereen Heritage Centre

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