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KMGLM 09 EF 3 I32 01 card

"Finishers of the Law" – The History of Hangings and Hangmen at Kilmainham Gaol

18, 24 August, 4:15pm - 5:15pm

  • Kilmainham Gaol Museum
  • Inchicore Road
  • D08 RK28
  • Co. Dublin – Dublin City

Kilmainham Gaol operated as the county gaol for Dublin from 1796 to 1910. Over those 114 years the Gaol witnessed more than 170 executions. Most were public hangings, 11 prisoners were hanged within the prison walls.

This guided tour is an opportunity to explore how Kilmainham Gaol adapted to changes in capital punishment laws throughout the 19th century. The guided tour will also look at some of the executioners, often referred to as the "Finishers of the Law", and the locations in the Gaol where they plied their trade.

Booking required. Tickets available on Eventbrite from Thursday 1st August.
Not suitable for visitors under the age of 18.
Please arrive 15 minutes before the tour.

Further Information

Kilmainham Gaol Museum

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