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Castletown River Nature Festival

24 August, 2pm - 4pm
25 August, 12pm - 3pm

  • Kilanerin Woods Co Wexford parking available at bigger carpark
  • Kilanerin Co Wexford and Clone Strand, Castletown
  • Co. Wexford

Kilanerin Woods Co Wexford 24th August at 2pm.
Travel up the Inch River Catchment and connect with our upper River community.
This is a family and Nature lover event.
You will discover the secrets of the river and explore the nature of the woods.
Take part in a woodland Nature Treasure hunt!

Clone Beach ,Castletown, North Co Wexford at 12pm.
A Family Fun Day with lots of beach based activities, celebrating Water Heritage Day.
There will lots of traditional activities such as:
An Egg and Spoon Race
A Sack Race
A Sand Art Competition
A Lucky Duck Race
Take part in a Seashore Treasure hunt and discover Nature on the shore.

Bring Family, Friends and a Picnic and have a wonderful day! 😊

For the first event , there is car parking available on both sides of the road at Kilanerin Woods. Where the event takes place is from the smaller car park entrance.

At Clone Strand there is a designated field for car parking which is signposted locally

Further Information

Friends of Ahare River Biodiversity Group

Find out more about the event organiser

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