Bray Biodiversity Action Plan and Bat Walk
Bray Tidy Towns in collaboration with Community Foundation Ireland have developed a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for Bray Town. The study has identified and mapped a suite of important areas for biodiversity in the town.
Some are extensive like the Dargle River Valley Corridor with the river and woodlands whilst others are small and more localised such as a magnificent mature Poplar tree on the Killarney Road which supports a population of a very unusual plant - Toothwort. This is an unusual parasitic plant which has no chlorophyll and grows on the roots of various host trees and is found in ancient woodland sites.
The town has a rich diversity of species and habitats and the Biodiversity Action Plan explores these and sets out a number of actions we can all take to help nature in our busy lives.
We invite you to join us for the launch of the Biodiversity Action Plan @ 7.30 pm followed by a walk in the environs of Sans Souci to see if we can see and hear any bats. Please dress warmly and bring a torch, Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Sans Souci is an estate running from Vevay Road, directly opposite the entrance to Charnwood estate (next to Tesco). Proceed to the bottom of the estate with the view out to sea.
Some parking is available but is limited. Parking may be possible in Tesco car park for a limited time.