Bat Talk, Sculpture Unveiling and Colouring Book Launch
Bat Talk, Sculpture unveiling and Colouring Book Launch
In 2024, Creative Ireland have supported projects delivered by the Kerry Biosphere and Biodiversity Officer for Kerry County Council to share information and raise awareness of these fascinating creatures.
“Engaging art to Save a species” has been running for several months, Brendan Kirwan, Biosphere Officer For the Kerry UNESCO Biosphere Reserve has been busy running several elements of the project.
So far:
• We have hosted an art competition with local primary schools to create a calendar for 2025,
• Held art workshops have been delivered with local artist Katie O’ Donoghue,
• an artist has been commissioned to create sculpture of a Lesser horseshoe Bat,
• a colouring book drawn by Katie O’ Donoghue has been created of all of Irelands resident bat species.
And now we are inviting you to join us for a launch event to unveil our Lesser Horseshoe Bat sculpture (yet to be officially named) and the Bats of Ireland Colouring book.
On Saturday the 24th in Killarney House from 3 -5pm, we invite you to join us for a talk on bats followed by our sculpture unveiling and colouring book launch.
Refreshments served.