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KDG Drama Workshop resize

Free Drama Workshop

17 Lúnasa, 10:30rn - 1:30in

  • St. Michael's Church of Ireland Hall, Killorglin.
  • Iveragh Road, Killorglin (Ring of Kerry road, opposite Fire Station)
  • Co. Ciarraí

Take your opportunity to experience a free drama workshop with the Blood in the Alley Theatre Director, Geoff Gould! Hosted by Killorglin Drama Group this event is open to all who might be interested in meeting members of drama groups, or, perhaps interested in joining a group. Whatever your reason, join us!
The event is being hosted to celebrate the formal state recogition of the amateur dramatic tradition as an intangible cultural practice, which took place last month.

Booking is preferable. irishliterarytrails@gmail.com.

Tuilleadh Eolais


Léigh Tuilleadh